Today is another MUNday... no not Monday, it's actually Friday... I mean a MUNday. Trust me, it's not so bad when reading it, but when you hear it, your schedule can get totally thrown off. Anyway, MUNdays is a promotional thing Memorial does that encourages people to participate in many different events, ironically from Tuesday to Saturday. The events involve things from health, to drinking, to community service, to drinking, to public speaking, to... well you get the drift.
Well, today just happens to be Kindness Friday. It's basically a day to do what the name implies: be kind. For instance, my prof brought our class in cookies, people in the cafeteria were treated to free coffee, and any student is given the option to print off 50 free pages of whatever they like (usually they cost 5¢). I enjoyed the cookies, don't drink coffee, and am too lazy to walk all the way to the library to print the pages that I really don't need anyways (I'm being kind to the earth). However it's the thought that counts, and I really appreciate being given the opportunity to do these things that would have cost me no more than $2.50 to do in the first place.
The point of this post is not to brag about what luxuries my school is offering me though. It's to promote the idea of being kind for a day. That's it... you can all go back to being asses tomorrow. But today give a stranger a helping hand, toss a loonie in the charity box, get your husband/boyfriend a beer, or even ask him what he'd like to watch on television. There is no such thing as an act of kindness being too small or too large. The idea is to just do it with a smile on your face, knowing that you're putting a smile on somebody else's.
Friday, October 26, 2007
I love MUNdays' Friday
Posted by
Ron P
11:22 AM
Labels: University
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ethics of online gambling
Today, I've got to submit a project for my computer science ethics class concerning the ethics of online gambling. To do so, my project partner, Josh, and I created a blog. It is only small with a few posts, but it can be worth a read if you're interested in online gambling. The posts focus on basically whether it was right or wrong for the U.S. to ban online gambling back in 2006. So, check it out if you want and feel free to comment... maybe you can even score me some bonus points. Here's the link: The Rise and Fall of Online Gambling
Oh, this was also my first experience using WordPress to create a blog. I enjoyed that. It seems as though a lot more tweaking can be done than for a blogger blog. Now I've just got to brush up on my web editing skills... or actually get some web editing skills in the first place.
Posted by
Ron P
11:35 AM
Labels: University
Monday, October 22, 2007
Big plans for Newfoundland rec lacrosse
It seems as though I'm following the paths of many other blogger wannabes: blogging faithfully for a few weeks and then blogging less and less as time goes on... and then blogging about not keeping up with blogging. I think that's always a bad sign when a blogger has to blog about not being able to blog. I guess writer's block really starts kicking in after a while. Unfortunately my life just isn't as interesting as I'd like to believe it is, but really, whose is? Even Britney's shenanigans are starting to get old to me now. So after getting out the few weeks of stories that I do have, everything seems to come to a halt. Personally I think it's because last week the university profs all got together and decided to put all their tests and assignments on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but they'd never admit to that. Either way, I'm going to make it a point now to have something interesting to say at least every second or third day. Sure, sure, every blogger says that, but I'm going to make it happen. I really am.
Like today for instance, I am going to write about an attempt by a friend of mine and myself to start a Newfoundland Rec Lacrosse League. Being our national sport (or formerly national sport) one would think that lacrosse would be available to play in every province. I guess Newfoundland just got left out of that being the last province to join Canada in 1949.
Luckily, I got the opportunity to play when I went to high school in Ohio. I loved it. It really works the body to the extreme. It's like sprinting a marathon with people whacking you with sticks the whole time. It's really great. My friend, who also played in Ohio, and I finally realized that it's about time to get a league going in Newfoundland. Actually, it was him, but I jumped on the bandwagon early on. So, we started a Facebook group and the interest has been amazing so far.
We're going to play a version called box lacrosse, which is basically an indoor version of the outdoor game. It requires less people so we figure it's the best way to start. We've got big plans for the league though, and really think it could catch on and maybe even expand to women and younger players. But that's all just hopes and dreams at the moment. For now we just want to get out there and throw around the ball a little, or at least watch people try to throw around the ball a little.
Here's a little clip to show you what it's all about:
Posted by
Ron P
11:46 AM
Labels: Lacrosse, University
Friday, October 19, 2007
Colbert 2008
Well, now that the Newfoundland provincial election is over, the world can shift its political focus to something that just may turn out to be a little more of a race: the 2008 United States Presidential Election. I'm sure most people, even in Canada, have at least a clue as to what is going on down south regarding their political situation. It may not even be out of interest, but simply because all the good TV stations (except The Score) are American. And if you happen to be one of the few who hasn't followed anything American since the 60's, well, Kennedy was assassinated, there have been eight presidents since, a whole wack of scandals, at least one sexual encounter, and no sign of any nukes.
Anyway, with the coming election there have been a ton of names thrown around as to who the potential candidates are. Most notably is are Obama (that's Obama not Osama) and Clinton (that's Hilary not Bill) running for the democratic candidacy, and, well, no one cares about the republicans anymore. That is until recently, a man announced that he will run for (at least in South Carolina) the office of the President of the United States. That man is Stephen Colbert. So, when the time comes America, vote Colbert as your candidate for 2008. Us Canadians will truly enjoy the humour in it.
Here's the clip of his announcement:
Posted by
Ron P
11:57 AM
Labels: Politics
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Sorting through the PC's
Deciding who to vote for was a difficult task for me. Not because I didn't know which party I wanted, but because I didn't know which person from which party was in my district. I must be right on a border line or something because if I go left at the end of my road there's a sign for Beth Marshall of the PC party and if I go right there's a sign for Terry French of the PC party. Then if I walk around a little more, sometimes there are places where the two signs are right next to each other. Anyway, I figured the best way to find out would be to go down to the voting station and see who was on my ballot. When I got there, I saw the Beth Marshall was indeed the PC representative for my district.
Now I didn't necessarily vote for Beth Marshall, though I am in favour of Danny Millions. But, for one thing, I'm a student, and the NDP seems to have good things in mind for students, so I could have voted for Kyle Rees, who is actually a fellow student. I also could have voted for Cynthia Laydon-Barron and the liberals because I like red and their signs are red. It's not really important who I voted for. What are important are the results, and I imagine I'll find those out later tonight.
Posted by
Ron P
8:07 PM
Labels: Politics
I love GST... cheques that is
Yep, I was sitting down in front of my computer just then wondering what I could post about next. I was actually there for quite some time when the idea pretty much fell on my head like Newton's apple... actually it was passed to me, but you get my drift. It was a GST cheque. Woo hoo! It's almost like Christmas. Well, more like Boxing Day for Walmart, since it's really just money being returned to me. But, who cares if I actually owned this money in the first place. There's really nothing like a reunion anyway. Especially a reunion like this. Of course this reunion is hardly enough to pay for anything substantial, but if it'll get me a few beer, I'm happy! Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy of receiving "free" money with everyone. It's a great feeling! Wish I could do it more often.
Posted by
Ron P
5:34 PM
Labels: Money
Monday, October 8, 2007
I'm thankful for... Guitar Hero!
Well, of course I'm thankful for other things as well: family, friends, a roof over my head, alright food, etc. Guitar Hero really isn't even near the top of my list, but a friend of mine did lend me the game last night, and lets just say I'm only typing this because my hands are too tired to strum. (By the way, I do realize the irony in that, so keep your smart ass comments to yourself, haha.) (And, my hands are too tired from playing so much. Sick people.) (Playing the GAME!) Anyway, the game is really addicting and I don't suck at it nearly as much as I do at real guitar and that makes me feel good. Come to think of it though, Guitar Hero probably isn't something to be thankful for, since anything else I could have hoped to accomplish today is pretty much up in Smoke on the Water. Damn, I can't get that song out of my head. Anyway, I actually don't even know why I'm writing about this, I mean, Guitar Hero is old news to most people. But if it's not old news to you, definitely give it a try. It makes you feel like a real rockstar! Whammy board and all. Rock On!
Posted by
Ron P
4:20 PM
Labels: Guitar
Saturday, October 6, 2007
And the 2008 Stanley Cup goes to...
Definitely not the Toronto Maple Leafs. I love the Leafs mind you. They've been my favourite team as long as I can remember, and I know it's only two games in, but they just can't seem to pull it together. They lost to arch rival Sens in the first two games of the season and it's not even because they played poorly. I actually thought they played quite well. The top line of Sundin, Blake and Antropov really seemed to be clicking. I was very impressed with Blake, he really seemed to be skating well, and it was nice since I was a little skeptical of the contract he was offered. The only problem with the Leafs is that they wouldn't be able to hold on to a lead in a peewee game. It's hard to watch when you can see it coming every time. Which is why I haven't yet watched an entire game. It seems as though things are going alright when all of a sudden with under ten minutes left in the third, the other team just scores a goal. Same thing every time, and boy is it annoying. Tonight they are playing the Habs, with whom they are even bigger rivals. Maybe this will be the point that they start to turn things around, but knowing the Leafs, that's pretty unlikely.
Posted by
Ron P
4:02 PM
Labels: Fantasy Sports, Hockey
Friday, October 5, 2007
To lend or not to lend (Part 2)
Well, the meeting is over, but I'm still unsure as to whether the news was good news or bad news. The mortgage guy was a great fella, having talked almost an hour straight, giving us quite useful information. He seemed very enthusiastic about our quest for a mortgage. I'm not sure if these people get commission for this type of thing, but he really did seem to genuinely want to help. He was a younger looking man too, so I guess he could see things from our perspective a little.
So, everything was going well, the news seemed very encouraging, and we were all smiles... until the word guarantor popped up. Then, of course, when it came up once, it came up again and again and again. Apparently, it's unlikely the bank will find us eligible for a mortgage since we're full time students and would be more comfortable if someone in a more stable financial position signed on as well. Now, he did say it isn't necessary, since we're not looking for a two-story luxury mansion or anything, however, he said it would be a good idea. From my perspective, that's dumb. But I guess I can see how the bank would be a little cautious over lending thousands of dollars to 22 year olds without full-time income. Anyway, the point is things are looking pretty good. Not as good as I'd like, but still pretty good. Now, I've just got to find someone to sign their name on a dotted line for me. So, if anyone is game for backing up my $80,000 mortgage for me, be sure to let me know.
Posted by
Ron P
4:09 PM
Labels: House Flipping
To lend or not to lend
I've got a meeting today with a mortgage specialist at my bank. Actually it's me and two of my friends who have a meeting. Never done anything like this before, so I really don't know what to anticipate. I'm guessing either a hearty laugh or a disapproving shake of the head. But anything could happen. I doubt she's gonna come right out and say, "take anything you like" however, something along the lines of, "we'll see if we can work something out" would be nice. I've got to admit, I'm a little nervous. The result of this meeting could impact the rest of my life, or at least start me down a path that could impact the rest of my life. Or, it could be a rude awakening into the realities of life. I'm praying it isn't the latter, but I'm keeping my expectations low. Anyway, I'll know soon enough and I'll keep you updated. I'll probably even have a tip or two on how not to negotiate for a mortgage.
Posted by
Ron P
11:44 AM
Labels: House Flipping
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
"I May Be Small..." is big on heart
Just looking to inform the world (or the 2 or 3 people who will actually read this) that my little sister has joined the world of blogging. Her blog is called, I May Be Small... and it's quite interesting I must say. Not that I doubted that it would be. She's always been a helluva lot more interesting than I've ever been. Though that doesn't mean anyone's allowed to just skip over my blog from now on to read hers. My blogging is just as important... I hope. Anyway, though this may drain my already very few hits I get in a day, please check out Melissa's place. There's only one post up yet, but trust me, when she gets talking, it's near impossible to get her to stop, and I have a feeling her blogging will be the same way. So go on over and leave a comment or two. Then maybe she'll realize that sure she may be small, but so are the rest of us.
Posted by
Ron P
6:09 PM
Labels: Family
Happy 2nd Anniversary
Ain't she pretty? Makes you wonder how a fella like me ended up with a girl like her. And believe it or not, she's really cool too. That's why I've been with her for two years, because she's cool... and pretty. Mostly because she's cool though. Not sure why she's with me. There must be something there, I guess.
Anyway just wanted to make a little shout out to Mary-Beth on our two year anniversary. It has been a great two years and hopefully there are plenty more to come. Well, at least that's my hope, but I am the one in the relationship who is "dating up." ;) Love you MB!
Posted by
Ron P
5:05 PM
Labels: Family