Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm thankful for... Guitar Hero!

Well, of course I'm thankful for other things as well: family, friends, a roof over my head, alright food, etc. Guitar Hero really isn't even near the top of my list, but a friend of mine did lend me the game last night, and lets just say I'm only typing this because my hands are too tired to strum. (By the way, I do realize the irony in that, so keep your smart ass comments to yourself, haha.) (And, my hands are too tired from playing so much. Sick people.) (Playing the GAME!) Anyway, the game is really addicting and I don't suck at it nearly as much as I do at real guitar and that makes me feel good. Come to think of it though, Guitar Hero probably isn't something to be thankful for, since anything else I could have hoped to accomplish today is pretty much up in Smoke on the Water. Damn, I can't get that song out of my head. Anyway, I actually don't even know why I'm writing about this, I mean, Guitar Hero is old news to most people. But if it's not old news to you, definitely give it a try. It makes you feel like a real rockstar! Whammy board and all. Rock On!

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