Friday, October 19, 2007

Colbert 2008

Well, now that the Newfoundland provincial election is over, the world can shift its political focus to something that just may turn out to be a little more of a race: the 2008 United States Presidential Election. I'm sure most people, even in Canada, have at least a clue as to what is going on down south regarding their political situation. It may not even be out of interest, but simply because all the good TV stations (except The Score) are American. And if you happen to be one of the few who hasn't followed anything American since the 60's, well, Kennedy was assassinated, there have been eight presidents since, a whole wack of scandals, at least one sexual encounter, and no sign of any nukes.

Anyway, with the coming election there have been a ton of names thrown around as to who the potential candidates are. Most notably is are Obama (that's Obama not Osama) and Clinton (that's Hilary not Bill) running for the democratic candidacy, and, well, no one cares about the republicans anymore. That is until recently, a man announced that he will run for (at least in South Carolina) the office of the President of the United States. That man is Stephen Colbert. So, when the time comes America, vote Colbert as your candidate for 2008. Us Canadians will truly enjoy the humour in it.

Here's the clip of his announcement:

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