It seems as though I'm following the paths of many other blogger wannabes: blogging faithfully for a few weeks and then blogging less and less as time goes on... and then blogging about not keeping up with blogging. I think that's always a bad sign when a blogger has to blog about not being able to blog. I guess writer's block really starts kicking in after a while. Unfortunately my life just isn't as interesting as I'd like to believe it is, but really, whose is? Even Britney's shenanigans are starting to get old to me now. So after getting out the few weeks of stories that I do have, everything seems to come to a halt. Personally I think it's because last week the university profs all got together and decided to put all their tests and assignments on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but they'd never admit to that. Either way, I'm going to make it a point now to have something interesting to say at least every second or third day. Sure, sure, every blogger says that, but I'm going to make it happen. I really am.
Like today for instance, I am going to write about an attempt by a friend of mine and myself to start a Newfoundland Rec Lacrosse League. Being our national sport (or formerly national sport) one would think that lacrosse would be available to play in every province. I guess Newfoundland just got left out of that being the last province to join Canada in 1949.
Luckily, I got the opportunity to play when I went to high school in Ohio. I loved it. It really works the body to the extreme. It's like sprinting a marathon with people whacking you with sticks the whole time. It's really great. My friend, who also played in Ohio, and I finally realized that it's about time to get a league going in Newfoundland. Actually, it was him, but I jumped on the bandwagon early on. So, we started a Facebook group and the interest has been amazing so far.
We're going to play a version called box lacrosse, which is basically an indoor version of the outdoor game. It requires less people so we figure it's the best way to start. We've got big plans for the league though, and really think it could catch on and maybe even expand to women and younger players. But that's all just hopes and dreams at the moment. For now we just want to get out there and throw around the ball a little, or at least watch people try to throw around the ball a little.
Here's a little clip to show you what it's all about:
Monday, October 22, 2007
Big plans for Newfoundland rec lacrosse
Posted by
Ron P
11:46 AM
Labels: Lacrosse, University
have you started this yet.. I'd be intersted in playing
Well - - lets get the LAX thing going! I played many years of box and a few years ago I played field with Dalhousie University in Halifax NS (we won the Maritime title). I want to give back to lacrosse - and I also want to throw the ball around at least (there may be a lot of LAX guys at MUN too).
Bruce Gilbert (St. John's)
cell 697-4662
I'm in -
Check out our website if anybody is interested in this!
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